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apt Surname For a Phlebotomist Crossword Answer


If you’re having difficulty solving the crossword clue “apt surname for a phlebotomist,” below are possible solutions to help. Enter any letters known to be associated with this clue into the search box to get the answer to your puzzle quickly.

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The name of a phlebotomist

Phlebotomists are trained professionals who draw blood from patients for various reasons. Such blood can diagnose illnesses, monitor medication effectiveness, or provide transfusions. Phlebotomy involves puncturing a vein and drawing blood with a needle or cannula. Cannula venipuncture – also referred to as bloodletting – uses various needle sizes or devices called cannulae or cannulas; these techniques were once thought to remove toxins, restore balance to the body’s humor, and balance the body’s spirit.

Our database has become home to some of the most recurrent crossword clues, such as “apt surname for a phlebotomist.” It has appeared frequently in New York Times puzzles and other cryptic crosswords; our solutions for this crossword clue can be found below.

If you are struggling with solving the Washington Post Mini crossword, don’t fret; we are here to help! With an extensive library of clues for this game constantly updated with answers, this website also allows for precise searches by providing criteria like letter count and pattern matching.